Royal Canadian Legion
Peninsula Branch #62

~ Chase the Ace has finished ~

Friday evening Bingo will continue at the Legion

Friday evening's Jackpot was $15,901.50
and the Ace was drawn by Linda Myers

Our Chase the Ace Fundraiser is now closed!

RCL62MossGlen ~

~ Legion Magazine ~ Legion Web Store ~ Legion Service Bureau ~

What we do: The Legion and our members honour and support Veterans and serve as the cornerstone of communities across the country.

Our members: At a quarter of a million strong, Legion members have opportunities to make a difference at all levels of the organization.

Organization and structure:  We are a democratic, non-profit organization with a national reach across Canada, and branches in the United States, and Europe

Our history: Founded in 1925, the Legion is still driven by the same principles and objectives today.

Our Legion Building at Moss Glen opened for business in September 1956.

Our cenotaph holds the name of fallen comrades from the Kingston Peninsula who made the ultimate sacrifice in service for our country.