The Poppy is a powerful symbol of Remembrance.

From the last Friday in October to Remembrance Day, millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to never forget those who served and sacrificed. The red flower also is the symbol of the Legion's Poppy Campaign, raising funds to support Veterans and their families in need. We invite everyone across the country to show their recognition by proudly wearing this symbol of Remembrance.

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

"In Flanders Fields" is a poem written during the First World War by Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae after he presided
over the funeral of a friend and fellow soldier. So many years later, his poem continues to poignantly express the tragedy of the
losses of war. So many years later, his poem continues to poignantly express the tragedy of the losses of war, and the importance of carrying on their memories.

Poppy Trust Funds

Your contributions directly support Canada’s Veterans and their families, while ensuring Canada never forgets.

Use of Poppy Trust Funds

Through your donations to the Legion Poppy Fund, the Legion provides financial assistance and support to Veterans, including Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families who are in need. Poppy Funds may be used for:

Poppy Trust Fund Administration

The Poppy Campaign is organized and run by local Legion volunteers at over 1,350 branches across Canada and abroad.  Poppy Funds are held in trust at every level of the Legion and the use of these trust funds are strictly controlled, with appropriate approval processes.  Branch executives are accountable for Poppy Fund expenditures and are required to inform the public through local media of the results of their campaign, including contributions received and disposition of funds.  You may contact your local Legion branch to request information on their Poppy Campaign.

Details on the Poppy Trust Fund can be found in the Legion`s Poppy Manual.

Supporting Veterans Every Day

Thank you for your donations to the Poppy Fund. Donate online today!

Donate to the Poppy Fund

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