Chase the Aces Rules
1. The name of the game is “Chase the ACEs”.
2. You MUST be 19 years of age to play. (ID may be required)
3. The game will be played at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #62 located at 1356 Route 845,
Clifton Royal NB, E5S 2B9
4. The game will be played every Friday until the game is won.
5. Tickets will be sold from Saturday morning to Friday evening up until 8 pm.
6. Tickets are $5 each, 3 for $10 or 8 for $20, you can buy as many as you want.
7. The winning Card is an “ACE” from a deck of 52 cards. Every week the number of cards in the deck will be reduced by one card. The number of cards remaining in the deck will be announced each week.
8. Ticket purchaser will be required to write his/her/their name and telephone number (legibly) on the ticket before depositing the ticket in the drum. They must keep their stub to match their ticket if drawn.
9. Before the draw, “ACEs” will be shown and inserted back into the deck of cards. The deck will be shuffled and the cards will be spread out, face down, on a table for the winner to “Chase the ACEs”.
10. Starting out the game cards will be in 4 rows of 13 cards in each row. As the game continues, rows will keep 13 cards except for the last row which will make up the remaining number of cards in play. Cards will be numbered left to right at the top table. The top of the table will face the back of the stage.
11. The draw will take place Friday at 8:30 pm and the winning ticket holder will be called. The winner will be requested to come forward to “Chase the ACEs” i.e. pick a card from cards spread, face down, on the table.
12. If not present a telephone call will be made at that time to the telephone number written on the ticket. If no answer is received, a member of the organization will choose a card;
The person called may indicate the number of the card they wish to have turned over or
identify a person in attendance to choose a card for them.
If information on the ticket is not legible, another ticket will be drawn.
13. Prizes will be allotted as follows:
No Aces drawn ....... Consolation Prize
1st Ace Drawn ....... $250.00 plus Consolation Prize
2nd Ace Drawn ....... $500.00 plus Consolation Prize
3rd Ace Drawn ....... $750.00 plus Consolation Prize
4th Ace Drawn ....... Jackpot
14 If the card drawn is not an “ACE” the winner will receive the consolation prize which will be 20% of the net income of that night and his/her/their card will be torn in two, as well a photograph of the winner with his/her/their card will be taken for display in the Hall and on our Webpage.
15. The remainder of the cards will be secured/locked at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 62 Hall between draws.
16. These rules, the jackpot amount and the photographs of the winner(s) with his/her/their Card will be posted in the Legion Branch Hall and on the Legion website.
When the 4th “ACE” is drawn the game is over and the winner will receive the jackpot.
The Ticket stub is required to claim winnings.
All winners will be paid by cheque.
All are welcome to play
The Breakdown of the money collected will be as follows:
50 % will go to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #62.
20 % will go to the ticket Number Drawn as consolation if no Ace is drawn.
30 % will go in the Jackpot.