140 Kingston Peninsula Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps offers youth a variety of exciting and challenging opportunities. The Cadet Program is the largest federally-sponsored youth program in Canada. Cadets are youth aged 12 to 18 who are interested in participating in a variety of fun, challenging, and rewarding activities while learning about the activities of the Canadian Forces. The training program offers cadets opportunities to participate in sports and fitness activities, develop outdoor skills through field training, participate in marksmanship and biathlon training, develop leadership skills, and travel thought out Canada and even around the world (when safe to do so).
Cadets during summer expedition training
We train on Wednesday evenings between September and June at the MacDonald Consolidated School and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 62 from 6:20 to 9:00 pm
This year in-person training will take place starting in October at the Legion and training will run from 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM as conditions allow. Cadets may transition to virtual training if required. All cadets must wear a non-medical mask during in-person training until further notice.