Peninsula Pearls
History of the Peninsula Pearls
The Peninsula Pearls Seniors Group usually meets on the 4th Monday of the month for a lunch meeting and entertainment etc.
For more information about activities or joining,
contact Juanita Sheldrick at 506-763-2925
One must be a member of the Peninsula Pearls to participate in our tours & excursions.
Peninsula Pearls ~ Tentative Schedule
Well the election is over and our schedule resumes as usual
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and the New Year will be too.
1st Winter Meeting at RCL Br 62. Our meetings are always (usually) on Monday, unless we have a MAJOR storm and postpone until the next day. ( a Tuesday) Bring a sandwich or whatever you like for lunch. We will provide dessert and tea. Remember there is no admission, but if you want you can buy a 50/50 ticket or tickets on miscellaneous draws after lunch. Hopefully we will have a guest speaker or entertainment at each meeting. These funds cover our speakers or entertainment.
January 13th
Pot-luck hot or cold, Bring and Buy Auction, Short talk on our Flex and Flo program by Elaine Martin, Instructor.
Free Exercise program on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:15 pm at RCL
February 10th Valentine's Day theme
GUEST Speaker to be confirmed
Alzheimer’s Society
March 17th Appoint Nominating Committee
Special Guests New Kingston Trio
Come celebrate St Patrick’s Day
Aril 7th Election of Officers
Easter Theme
Guest Speaker to TBA
May 12th Pot Luck, Special Birthday Celebration
Those turning 80, 85, 90, 95, and over!
Bill Oliver Guest, MLA
June Date to be decided
Tour to nowhere planned for our lunch, cars will be needed that day
If you have room for a senior, please let Sherry know.
Our Flea Market was smaller than last year but the money turned in was over $200.00, including additional basket sales. Gift basket and 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded at Christmas Dinner, every penny counts/thank you for your support
Christmas Dinner was well attended, lovely gifts were given out.
Takeouts were available for those who were not able to attend. Thank you to all who helped and to the Ladies Auxiliary for the terrific meal.
Sherry McKay ~ 506 763-2429
hopefully we have phone service soon