Legion Bursaries
Both the New Brunswick Legion Command and The Auxiliary Command offer bursaries to qualified individuals who are pursuing post-secondary education. Please find below the bursary applications for both the New Brunswick Command & The Auxiliary Command of New Brunswick Provincial Command, available in both official languages.
NOTE: Regimental Numbers are NO LONGER required to process the bursary applications.
New Brunswick Command:
English: Bursary-Application
French: Bursary-Application
Ladies Auxiliary Command:
English: LABursary-Application
French: LABursary Application
RCL Branch #62 Bursaries
RCL Peninsula Branch 62
Bursary Application
Bursaries are open to students who are residents of the
Kingston Peninsula and are graduating from Grade 12.
Bursaries will be presented at the graduation ceremonies.
Peninsula Branch #62
Sunday Night Crib Bursary
The Royal Canadian Legion, Peninsula Br. 62 proudly presents the
Sunday Night Crib Bursary for Post-Secondary Education students from
the Kingston Peninsula. The Bursary amount and number of candidates will
be determined by the amount of funds raised at the
Sunday Night Crib that is held on Sunday Nights at Peninsula Br. 62.
Peninsula Branch #62
Poppy Trust Fund Bursary Application
The Royal Canadian Legion, Peninsula Br. 62 proudly presents the
Poppy Trust Fund Bursary which is open to students graduating from
Grade 12, who are residents of the Kingston Peninsula and
have a military family member.
Bursary letter will be presented at the graduation ceremonies
Eldon Pitt Memorial Bursary
The Eldon Pitt Memorial Bursary is open to students or
former students of the Kingston Peninsula who are going
on to postsecondary education and can demonstrate
success in spite of extraordinary circumstances
RCL Peninsula Branch #62
Ladies Auxiliary Bursary
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #62 Ladies Auxiliary Bursary
is for students who have lived on the Kingston Peninsula
during their graduation year from high school.
Friends of the Peninsula Bursary
The Friends of the Peninsula Bursary is open to students
who have resided on the Kingston Peninsula for
12 months prior to the Application Deadline