Our Chase the Ace Fundraiser is now closed!

Bingo will continue on Friday Evenings


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Ace was drawn by Linda Myers to win the Jackpot of $15,901.50 and the Consolation prize of $1,284.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Rhoda Hannah and the prize was $1,330.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Queen of Spades was drawn by Susan Saulnier to win the Consolation Prize of $684.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Keith Anderson and the prize was $875.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 7 of Hearts was drawn by Laureen Kirkpatrick to win the Consolation Prize of $577.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Sue O'Hearon and the prize was $742.50


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Jack of Hearts was drawn by Dale Jones to win the Consolation Prize of $590.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Susan Calvin and the prize was $775.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Jack of Diamonds was drawn by Nic Corbin to win the Consolation Prize of $416.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Hannah Mercier and the prize was $597.50


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 5 of Hearts was drawn by Donna Scribner to win the Consolation Prize of $327.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Pam Lamroch and the prize was $515.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 4 of Clubs was drawn by Randy Chetley to win the Consolation Prize of $308.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Scott Donnelly and the prize was $445.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 4 of Diamonds was drawn for Sherry Dumont to win the Consolation Prize of $323.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Mike Duncan and the prize was $417.50


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 6 of Clubs was drawn for Joan Miller to win the Consolation Prize of $299.00

The 50-50 winner was Agnes Arbeau and the evening's prize was $502.50


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Jack of Spades was drawn for Ed Larsen to win a Consolation Prize of $210.00

Our 50-50 winner was Kim Vatcher and this evening's prize was $375.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 10 of Clubs was drawn for Elizabeth O'Blenis to win a Consolation Prize of $205.00

Our 50-50 winner was Royden Brien and this evening's prize was $350.00


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 4 of Hearts was drawn for Sue Waddell to win a Consolation Prize of $240.00

Our 50-50 winner was Joanne Maxwell and this evening's prize was $392.50


November 15th's Chase the ACE draw was the 6 of Diamonds for Sue Waddell to win the Consolation Prize of $251.00

Our 50-50 winner was Brandi Parks and this evening's prize was $455.00


November 8th's Chase the ACE draw was the Queen of Diamonds for Stephen Northrup to win the Consolation Prize of $180.00

Our 50-50 winner was Brent Couse and this evening's prize was $242.50


November 1st's Chase the ACE draw was the 3 of Spades for Dona Bohler to win the Consolation Prize of $217.00

Our 50-50 winner was Joan Miller and this evening's prize was $360.00


October 25th's Chase the ACE draw was the 8 of Spades for Joan Miller to win the Consolation Prize of $236.00

Our 50-50 draw winner was Susan Findlay and the prize was $350.00


October 18th's Chase the ACE draw was the 2 of Clubs for Jeff Chown to win the Consolation Prize of $205.00

Our 50-50 draw winner was Mary White and the prize was $282.50


October 11th's Chase the ACE draw was the King of Diamonds for Joanne Gallant to win the Consolation Prize of $207.00

Our 50-50 draw winner was Faye Gorham and the prize was $272.50


October 4th's Chase the ACE draw was the King of Clubs for Dan Long to win the Consolation Prize of $222.00

Our 50-50 draw winner was Sharla Worden and the prize was $282.50

2024-September 27

September 27th's Chase the Ace draw was the 2 of Diamonds for Burton White to win the Consolation prize of $196

Our 50-50 draw winner was Brent Couse for a prize of $360.00

2024-September 20

September 20th's Chase the Ace draw was the 6 of Spades for Nancy Shand to win the Consolation prize of $168

Our 50-50 draw winner was Rob Hunt for a prize of $225.50
Kathy Campbell drew the ticket


September 13th's Chase the Ace draw was the 2 of Spades for Bonnie Jenkins to win the Consolation prize of $113.00

Our 50-50 draw winner was Jeanette Arsenault for a prize of $205.00


September 6th's Chase the ACE draw was the 2 of Hearts for April Miller to win the Consolation Prize of $145.00 

Our 50-50 draw prize was $287.50 and the winner was Lynne Dewar


August 30th's Chase the ACE draw was the 8 of Diamonds for Ed Larsen to win the Consolation Prize of $158.00 

Our 50-50 draw prize of $297.50 and the winner was Sue Saulnier


Tonight's Chase the ACE draw was the 7 of Diamonds for Tammy's Team to win the Consolation Prize of $172.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $315.00 and the winner was Barb Richard 


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 9 of Diamonds was drawn by Pat Laver to win the Consolation Prize of $154.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $292.50 and the winner was Tammy's Team 


August 9th's Chase the ACE draw was the Ace of Clubs for Bill White to win the Consolation Prize of $134.00 plus $750 for the Ace of Clubs for a total of $884.00 

Our 50-50 prize was $275.00 and tonight's winner was Bob Langford 


Tonight's Chase the ACE draw was the
8 of Hearts for Jenn Bradley to win the Consolation Prize of $154.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $367.50 and the winner was Bonnie Jenkins 

Ticket drawn by Terry Campbell


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 9 of Spades was drawn for Bill Oliver to win the Consolation Prize of $123.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $227.50 and the winner was Joanne Maxwell 


July 19th's Chase the ACE draw was the 9 of Hearts for Joanne Maxwell to win the Consolation Prize of $156.00

Our 50-50 prize of 280.50 and the winner was Bonnie Jenkins 


Tonight's Chase the ACE draw was the 10 of Hearts for Patti Campbell to win the Consolation Prize of $147.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $342.50 and the winner was Bob Davis

Ticket drawn by Barb Pitt


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 10 of Diamonds was drawn for Keith & Joanne White to win the Consolation Prize of $133.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $267.50 and the winner was Robyn Baxter


June 28th's Chase the ACE draw was the Jack of Clubs for Faye Gorham to win the Consolation Prize of $118.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $237.50 and the winner was Julie Dunlop 

Ticket drawn by Danielle Langford


Tonight's Chase the ACE draw was the
9 of Clubs for Joanne Maxwell to win the Consolation Prize of $109.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $220.00 and the winner was Joanne Maxwell 

Ticket drawn by Bonnie Jenkins


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 7 of Spades was drawn for Julie Dunlop to win the Consolation Prize of $137.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $262.50 and the winner was Rob Hunt 

Ticket drawn by Mae White


June 7th's Chase the ACE draw was the 6 of Hearts for April Miller to win the Consolation Prize of $193.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $295.00 and the winner was Keith McLaughlin 

Ticket drawn by Danielle Langford


May 31st's Chase the ACE draw was the 4 of Spades for Royden Brien to win the Consolation Prize of $108.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $248.50 and the winner was Ron Scott 


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 10 of Spades was drawn for Pat Case to win the Consolation Prize of $176.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $350.00 and the winner was Mel Hamilton

Ticket drawn by Pat Richard


May17th's Chase the ACE draw was the 3 of Hearts for Elaine Nisbet to win the Consolation Prize of $140.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $335.00 and the winner was Royden Brien 


May 10th's Chase the ACE draw was the Ace of Spades for Rose Cummings to win $500 for drawing the 2nd Ace plus the Consolation Prize of $198.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $352.50 and the winner was Bonnie Jenkins 

Ticket drawn by Pat Laver


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 5 of Clubs was drawn by Bonnie Jenkins to win the Consolation Prize of $108.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $250.00 and the winner was Julie Dunlop

Ticket drawn by Serena Wallace


April 26th's Chase the ACE draw was the King of Spades for Fran Dobbelstyn to win the Consolation Prize of $100.00 

Our 50/50 Draw was for $190.00 and Brandy Waddell drew April Miller's ticket


April 19th's Chase the ACE draw was the Ace of Hearts for Kim McNally to win $250 for the 1st Ace drawn plus the Consolation Prize of $125.00

Our 50/50 Draw was for $220.00 and the winner was Mark Bastarache 


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 5 of Spades was drawn for Lisa Wiggins to win the Consolation Prize of $90.00

Ticket was held by Danielle Langford

Our 50/50 Draw was for $182.50 and the winner was Burton White

Ticket drawn by Kathy Richards


Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the 8 of Clubs was drawn for Mike Raynes to win a Consolation Prize of $65.00

Ticket was held by Mary White

Our 50/50 Draw was for $157.50 and the winner was Johanne Maxwell

Ticket drawn by Pat Laver

Friday evening's Chase the ACE winner, the Jack of Diamonds was drawn by Nic Corbin to win the Consolation Prize of $416.00

Friday evening's 50-50 winner was Hannah Mercier and the prize was $597.50