2025-02-07 Exit Plan
Chase the Ace 2025 Exit Plan
Branch # 62 Peninsula Legion Chase the Ace lottery #162649 has been an overwhelming success as a fundraiser and a Friday night entertainment for residents of the Kingston Peninsula. The success has led to our facilities reaching saturation on all levels. Under the direction of our Legion President we will have to close the Chase the Ace fundraiser on February 7th following the Exit Plan, if the final Ace has not been found by then.
The plan to terminate is as follows;
An announcement will be made at the Chase the Ace fundraiser this Friday evening, 24th, and on the 31st that we will be terminating the lottery on February 7th.
On February 7th the normal rules will be followed, ticket drawn, winner will have won the right to Chase the Ace. If the Ace is found the lottery is over, if not the normal consolation prize of 20% will be awarded.
The exit plan is then put into play, a second ticket will be drawn, winner will be given the opportunity to Chase the Ace, if that person is not in the hall but their name and phone number is on the ticket a random selection of someone in the hall to play Chase the Ace for the ticket that was drawn (winnings will go to owner of winning ticket).
Ticket draws will continue until the Ace is found, every card drawn that is not the Ace receives a $10 Tim Horton’s gift card
Once the Ace is found the lottery is terminated and winnings will be awarded to the winning ticket that found the Ace.
Robert Langford – Bill White
Chase the Ace Committee
Phone 506-763-2009
E-mail contact@rclnb62.ca